If you bought Red Bull in the USA thinking that the drink would follow through with its promise to provide you with wings, then you were entitled to a $10 refund from the company. Why? A court found that Salzburg-based Red Bull was guilty of false advertising because no one who drank it got wings. If you are only hearing about this little cash windfall now, too bad the lawsuit only applied to drinks bought between 2002 and 2014. On the other hand, are you still looking for wings? I’’ve got some beautiful angel wings for you, courtesy of American artist, Collette Miller. She started painting angel wings on buildings in 2012 in Los Angeles. Since that time, the Global Angel Wings Project has spread worldwide.

Angel Wings street art by Colette Miller are supposed to remind us of the good that is inside us despite the mistakes we make.
The Los Angeles Global Wings
Colette Miller is a Los Angeles based creative who has worked in film, music and art. She started the Angel Wings paintings as a way to remind people that people of the angels of the Earth.
In the very beginning I wanted the wings to remind humanity of their true, divine selves – the self we all have that is our higher nature.
Colette Miller
The wings are an Instagram craze because they are human-sized street art. Pretty irresistible if you ask me.
Colette has given a TedX talk on the wings as well where she talks about how she started her street art project when she was driving around Los Angeles and saw all the empty walls in the city. Frankly, having experienced Los Angeles traffic myself, I can see that she probably sat in her car a fair bit and it would be a short step to hallucinating angels everywhere!!
There are now 25+ angel wings in Los Angeles.
We tried to find the first angel wings (near 5th and Main in downtown Los Angeles) which used to be the largest outdoor drugs market in the world. It may no longer have the title but there is still plenty of homeless people and unsavoury activity around the neighbourhood. I found it shocking to see people living out of shopping carts and tents in an American city this rich.
We hightailed it out of there in our suburban Dodge Caravan rental car which might as well have said ‘Rob Me’ on it. We found two of them in the Downtown Los Angeles Arts District (about 1/2 a mile from the previous location).
Angel City Brewery is covered in street art including Miller’s Angel Wings by the entrance. We stopped by the brewery for a drink amidst the city’s hipster crowd. On a Sunday afternoon, lots of young people were playing card games and hacky sack and drinking craft beer surrounded by children and dogs in a warehouse.There was music blaring and a craft market in one corner of the space. Really, it couldn’t be more of a cliche. Not that it stopped us from having a drink (or two).
There are also a pair of wings on a silver gate at Art Share which is also in the Los Angeles Arts District. Here I am trying to recreate John Singer Sargent’s Portrait of Madame X pose which was so shocking to Parisian society when it came out. Yeah, it was the best I could come up with.
The Global Angel Wings Project
You can find angel wings now around the world, including such far flung destinations as New York, Cuba, France and Kenya. There is a list of the locations on Colette Miller’s website but not specific addresses, sadly. There are also none in London (yet) even though Shoreditch is acknowledged as a street art mecca.
New York City
Washington, D.C.
The Jungle in Calais France
Aren’t these angel wings beautiful? If you see them, please join the movement and share Colette Miller’s vision to bring angels to Earth.

You know those famous angel wings murals in Los Angeles? I’m sure you’ve seen them on
Instagram! Discover where to find the angel wings in LA and learn more about the history of
The Global Angel Wings Project. The Angel wings street art graffiti can actually be found in
far away places such as Kenya! #globalangelwingproject #angelwings #streetart #murals
#losangeles #la

Most people think that the famous angel wings murals that you often see on
Instagram can only be found in los Angeles, but it’s not true. The Global Angel
Wings Project is in fact international! The Angel wings street art graffiti can also be
found in far away places such as Kenya! Read on to discover the top 6 world cities
where to find these murals #globalangelwingproject #angelwings #streetart
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